November 22,
2011: Early Christmas present
it's fun when the freight truck pulls up in front of the shop.
I get to go out, fire up the tractor, and unload the crate(s)
from the truck. Then I get to see what's inside. In most
cases, it's no surprise what I find, but in some cases I know what I
will find but I still want to see it.
This is one of those cases where I just have to take a look.
This crate showed up recently. The pink bow was added for the photo. :)

What do we have inside? What could it be?

In this case, it was a bunch of quartz that I had sent off for machining.
I had some 9" pieces, a 15.75" disk, some 20" f/3.3 blanks for future Starmaster mirrors, and a 20" f/1.5 machined.
20" f/1.5 is for a future Hindle sphere for Cassegrain secondary
testing, and is ~2.5" thick at the edge. The 15.75" is for
whoever wants a quartz mirror of that size (1.35" thick). The
8.9" blanks are for future test optics and Cassegrain secondaries, and
whatever else they are needed for.

All in all, it was looking a lot like Christmas when this shipment finally arrived.
So, if you're looking for a nice 15.75" quartz mirror, 1.35" thick, your choice of focal ratio, please let me know.
Please check back for future installements of "In
the Shop".
Lockwood Custom Optics