May 1,
2011: Way,
way, WAY outside the shop.... on another continent!
can see that I should have named this part of my web site differently,
because from time to time I will talk about things that are not in the
Oh well, it's my web site, I can do that. Titles are merely
here's a very interesting, well-built instrument that features two 13"
f/5, 1.1"-thick Pyrex Lockwood Custom Optics mirrors, and also a couple
of elliptical flats that I tested. Clearly a lot of thought,
time, and work went into this fine binocular telescope.

It was built by Arie Otte, from the Netherlands, and it is the third set of matched
primaries that I have made for a binoscope, but it is the first binoscope that
one of my clients has actually
So, congratulations to Arie for winning the "First Binoscope with
Lockwood Optics" award.
For more information about it, visit his
binoscope pages here.
Please check back for future installements of "In
the Shop".
Lockwood Custom Optics