May 1,
2011: Outside
the Shop
nice to have a shop with real windows. For a while I worked
in my
old basement, but in 2009 I bought a new house and set up a new shop,
and it has four windows. That lets me see natural light and
the wildlife running
around outside.
Here are a few photos of some of the wildlife, taken from outside and
inside, through windows and even window screens.

a pheasant walks around the edge of
the prairie grass to the west of my house. This photo was
through a window in my living room with a 300mm lens.

baby rabbit hides from me in the grass. This was taken
and I just kept walking closer and taking photos until it ran off.

This bird is wecome to eat as many mice, ground squirrels, and other
annoying rodents as it can catch with its sharp talons.

is a ground squirrel (photo taken through a window screen and window).
You might think it's cute.... until you
step in a hole that it has dug in your yard. They will be
for target practice.
One day I believe I even saw a mink
scurrying across my lawn, but I have not seen it since. I
hope it
will return and eat the mice and ground squirrels.

a very nasty storm
rolled through, and luckily no damage was done. Here is one
taken out the shop door as the storm rolled in.

one wasn't taken from the shop, but from a door on the level above.
I thought I'd include it anyway.
Please check back for future installements of "In
the Shop".
Lockwood Custom Optics